Saturday, December 30, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Happy Holidays

Well we got it, we shoveled it and we survived almost 24 hours without power, it was touch and go at times. Festivities are in full force here. All of the advent calendars have been updated, cookies have been baked and reindeer food prepared, by all accounts we are ready for Christmas Day. Luke and I have been busy in the kitchen preparing the Christmas Eve dinner to include green bean casserole, sweet potatoes with marshmallows, Jayne's stuffing, potatoes, dinner rolls and last but certainly not least Luke's goose! This should be interesting. Needless to say he will be the only one eating goose tonight but at least I know that if ever the world comes to an utter disaster "my man" will be able to kill me some food! We even have homemade fudge which may be shocking to some of you but yes this year I mastered a fudge recipe. I am woman hear me roar!!!!! We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Warm Wishes

I love being a parent! I had the pleasure of taking Brooke to see the Nutcracker for the first time this weekend. The excitement was huge. Our seats were only four rows back from the stage and Brooke was right on the isle. At first she was a little nervous, just not knowing what to expect, but then it began. The excitement and joy on her face was priceless and worth all the sassy moments! My role as a mother was narrator as Brooke had lots of questions, "why aren't they talking", "when are they going to talk", "what does the Nutcracker have in his pants" (that was my favorite.) So on this occasion I leave you all with a bit of advice have the curiosity of a child, laugh like it is always the funniest thing you ever heard and run like you are being chased. Childhood is a Great Thing!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
2 for 1
Not to overshadow my lovely wife, but there is an immediate need for a man hood discussion. Please make sure to read her blog below. My buddy Jake is going in on Friday for the big "snip, snip". For those ladies reading this blog, that means his man berries are being relieved of their duty. It will be a sad moment in Jakes life and I want to make sure somebody stands up for him, even though the decision on him has been made. Is this right? Should another human being have the right to take away procreation from any living form?
I have been told that we have to be very careful to watch the weight of Jake after the surgery. Well no shit. What else does he have to live for other than hunting, sleeping and eating. Must be nice. Mom, wanted to know if the vet can do a 2 for 1 deal with Jake and I. Well the fundamental answer is NO. I am holding out for mankind, and for man dogs everywhere. We have to stand for some morals in this world and having another man shave my testicles at any point in time in my life is just plain nuts (no pun intended). I have no desire to sit with a bag of frozen peas, actually frozen potatoes (have to have something to remind me) on my berries for any given amount of time.
Now, mimi's don't get you hopes up this does not mean that right now in our lives we still want another child. That debate is slowly but swiftly dwindling away. I think true to the Hegenbart style that I am on some sort of list, time table, or otherwise arrangement on when we can and cant have another child. In honor of Jake I would like to thank his tongue for all the cleaning it has done over the past 5 months. I would also like to thank his mother for assisting in keeping them clean. Three cheers for Jake as he enters in the world of the "Pat's" (SNL Character).
Manhood In
Surgery Out
Monday, November 13, 2006
What's New?

Winter is officially here. We got about 6-8 inches on Friday and it is snowing again this morning so there will be more sledding today after school.
Brooke is doing great! Loves school, loves dance, loves swim lesson and much to our dismay loves a boy named Ty! Luke and I have set the official dating age at 16 so we will see if it sticks. Me, well things are good. Finished another half marathon with Luke, Brooke and "big" Josh cheering me on, that was fun. I have also started substitute teaching and so far only one kid yelling profanity, one kid pull their pants down and one puking incident, overall I would say that is decent. It has been fun! Luke, well he is Luke trying to experience the great outdoors but karma is getting to him. He is going to have to start banking some good deeds! Last but certainly not least, Jake, come Friday he will no longer be a man! One down, one to go!!!!!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Makes You Think
Nevertheless modern science gives no indication whatever of the existence of the soul or mind as an entity; indeed the reasons for disbelieving in it are very much of the same kind as the reasons for disbelieving in matter. Mind and matter were something like the lion and the unicorn fighting for the crown; the end of the battle is not the victory of one or the other, but the discovery that both are only heraldic inventions. The world consists of events, not of things that endure for a long time and have changing properties. Events can be collected into groups by their causal relations. If the causal relations are of one sort, the resulting group of events may be called a physical object, and if the causal relations are of another sort, the resulting group may be called a mind. Any event that occurs inside a man's head will belong to groups of both kinds; considered as belonging to a group of one kind, it is a constituent of his brain, and considered as belonging to a group of the other kind, it is a constituent of his mind. "
By the way this was written in 1928. I think that was called the greatest generation ever or something like that. Here is what we have concluded in the WI Humphreys household:
a. Still working on the definition of faith
b. Your "soul" does not and can not feel physical pain without the brain.
c. If your sould feels "emotional" pain, it also is handled in the brain and the brain as you well know mom can be altered with help. Help can come in various ways and means.
d. We have to learn more about the brain.
More to come.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Its Life and Death
How about Heidi and Brooke running in that race? Pretty cool!! Heidi is really into this running deal, and she is pretty good at it. Brooke is all over the place at school. They have this deal at school, which I assume replaces getting your ass beat like we used to get at Eastwood. I still have nightmares off all the different paddles that each teacher had. What a joke! I digress....they have this deal where you start the day off at "green light". If you act up you get downgraded to "yellow light" and if you really F-up you get the very bad "red light". Thankfully Brooke has only gotten the Yellow light once and then the next day she was back to Green. Seriously, why cant everything be this simple. Work related, you start the day off Green, and if you end in Red dont bother coming back. Life related you are born with the Green light to do whatever you please and by the end of life you are at Red and cant move. Again probably the speed talking.
I leave on Saturday for North Dakota. Cant wait for the annual trip. It is well needed, not to get away from family because I will miss them, but just to be outdoors in the peacefullness of GUN BLASTS RINING MY EARS!!! Its great.
Question to really think about for the next blog and I want some serious answers:
Does your soul feel physical pain? and can your soul take on a physical being?
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Race Day
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Day 2...

Ok so the first day was pretty good. Mom shed a few tears, dad went to work like normal and Brooke met a new friend with "brown skin." (I told her to find out her name today) When I asked Brooke what they did she replied..."we had six recesses and did you see that big fat guy, mom?" I was a little taken back and she went on to explain that he was her music teacher and his name is "tiny." She is learning already! No computers on the first day but they did have nap time. Today is day 2 and Brooke wanted to ride the bus so again a large knife cut another portion of the cord!

Monday, September 04, 2006
Tune in Tomorrow
We had orientation on Thursday of last week. Got to meet the teacher, see other classmates, check out the cafeteria (gym) and meet the principal. She has 22 kids in her class and they have 2 other K classes. Don't think momma is going to let her ride the bus for the first couple days, but maybe she will ease into it after a while. I guess all that crime in Wausau?
Nothing else special going on here, just enjoying the pre-fall weather, getting ready for hunting season and schooling Jake in my spare time. He is doing great. Knows how to sit, knows how to stay and come with a peep of the whistle, and learning how to heal. He is retrieving in the water already as well. I saw the guy we bought him from yesterday at Gander Mountain and we talked for about 30 min. Its so cool to see his eyes light up when I talk about jake to him. He has a real passion for his dogs.
Brooke will be the first grandchild to blog tomorrow so stay tuned. She will explain to you all in her own words (could be better than strategery) how her day was and what she did. I am sure there will be some huge hygantic fantaboulous things that she accomplished.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Well anyone who knows me knows that my life revolves a series of lists. This weekend was the ultimate in marking things off my to do list. Grandma and Grandpa Church came to visit and we put them to work. While the girls worked on staining the deck (which may be the most tedious job in the world) the boys fixed my front porch, installed a disposal, got the lawn ready to plant and put up a dog kennel for Jake. It was a great weekend! We loved having the company and I loved marking some much needed items off my list. I have already started the list for GC for next summer's visit!
We are 3 weeks out from the big K5 and Brooke is getting really excited. I must say some days I just can't believe my little baby is going to kindergarten and then there are days like today when I can't wait. My morning was spent breaking up spats between Brooke and Jake, who knew a dog was like having another child. Someone should have clued me in!!!!! On the Jake note the "cute phase" is over and now we are in the "little shit" phase. After cleaning out a pee soaked kennel twice last week I was ready to send him back and I think after his 1 1/2 of barking last night Luke may be ready also. He is a LOT of work. I think this puppy was a good test that has confirmed that 1 baby was enough. I am thinking of seeing if we can get a two-for-one deal on getting the Humphreys boys fixed!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Meet Me

Hi my name is Kenai River Retriever's Jake. This is my first time blogging so please forgive me if I am short. Hope you all like my new pictures. Next shot will be me holding my first duck. Wish me well in my training. My trainer is a stud hunter so it should be pretty easy. Post comments if you have any questions about me, if not thanks for checking me out.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Light Years
First, Pearl Jam was great. Had to see them by myself, but I think it might have been best that way. Sat by some stanger that I had never met and him and I belted out songs at the top of our lungs like we were meant to sit by eat other. Amazing what music can do to people. Especially music coming from somebody that really believes and means what he is signing. He dedicated a song to his friend "Pete" that was evidently sick (I think Peter Gammons?). Light Years. Great lyrics to this song that remind me of our family, sometimes. Just like everytime I hear them play Elderly Woman live I think of G-ma Hump and Ethel. One of the things he does that I love is between some lyrics on songs, you can hear him almost breath "Fuck it". Anyways it rocked.
Second, we went last weekend and put a down payment on a black lab. It will be a male and we will be picking him up in a couple of weeks. Pretty excited about that, but at the same time we both realize its going to be some work. But, we are ready for it. He comes from a really good blood line. His mom is a hunter (Kenia River Retriever) and his dad (Lotta Black Pepper) was a MH (Master Hunter) AFC (amateur Field Champion) and also in 1999 was the Wisconsin Pheasant retrieving Champion. Pretty cool. We need help with names, so please give us some ideas. He has to have 3 names in order to be AKC registered, so let the names ring in!!!!!
Third, not going to say much because when I think about it I get a little bit emotional. Please keep this guy in your thoughts as we hope he gets through this with little to no pain.
Fourth, worked my ass off. Like I said above Fuck it.
Fifth, North Korea wants to destroy most all of us. Reports now show that one of their missiles was aimed at Hawaii. Oh, boy. I suppose all you left wing nuts (not that I am a right wing nut) think we should let diplomacy run its course. Uh no. Don't want another war, but lets get our asses over there and blow up those sites that are making these nukes and be done with it. No, different that what Clinton did in with Iraq in his years. Then, if this dictator keeps it up he can end up like the others. I watched this guy from the UN on the tube talk yesterday and my buddy O'Reilly was giving him a hard time because of the Sudan. If you don't know what's going on over there the Muslims are killing tons of Africans. The reason nobody from the UN will do anything about it is because China has "vested" interests there and its up to the US to get China on board. Are you serious? Same agency that stole money in the Oil for Food campaign in Iraq. We have to take action to save ourselves, there is no diplomatic way of doing things any more. Everybody is only looking out for their own interests. I don't feel like getting cooked by nukes just yet.
Now you were wanting those lyrics that remind me of our family and loved ones:
With heavy breath, awakened regrets
Back pages and days alone that could have been spent, together.....
but we were miles apart
every inch between us becomes light years now
no time to be void or save up on life
you gotta spend it all......
Monday, June 26, 2006

Long time since last blog, in fact this is Heidi blogging because as any good Graebel wife knows "summer is HELL." Needless to say Luke is really busy at work right now and I am glad he is getting a PJ break this week. He needs a good drunk concert night to get him revived for the rest of the summer at work. We all three just got back from a little vacation out to California to visit Papa Jim and Meme Jayne. I see why so many people move there because it is really a beautiful place. Although, my dad freaked me out a little by telling me about a mountain lion that had been killed in someone's backyard the week before. He went on to explain that you should not run and appear larger if you see one, this was all I could think about the following morning while I am running. Of course I didn't see anything more that a turkey and a pretty threatening looking golf course goose! We had a great time! Brooke is busy with all her summer activities, last week it was gardening camp and this week it is all about the friends. Today we have Sydney over and they have only tattled about 100 times, girls are a handful with all their emotions and feelings. I am again back training for another half marathon because I just can't STOP! This one is here in town so that should be fun for Brooke and Luke to come and watch. Brooke will also be running a short race with me in September so that should be really fun. OTHER NEWS... We have been working on adding another member to our family (no Luke has not been getting lucky) but he has been doing a lot of reading on Lab puppies. We are considering adding a little pup to the family so we will keep you up to date on our growing family!
Friday, June 09, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Soccer Queen

Soccer was very exciting this weekend. Lightening was down by about 100 when our little princess was set for a center kick, she fired away and sure enough scored our teams first and only goal! You should have seen the look of excitement and shock on her face. Of course her coach then asked why she had been holding back all game. We were very proud parents!
Other than that highlight, we also suffered all weekend with no A/C in the house. Of course the guy came to fix it today and it was a breaker switch. Who would have thought that the air unit would have run even without power? Thanks to my stupidity our daughter got to sleep in the basement last night. You are probably all saying "What was it like 80 degrees or something?" Not so fast. It was a smoldering 92 degrees all weekend.
It was also nice to hear some relief in my brothers voice this weekend while he was on tour with PJ. Good times for him. I cant wait to see them in MN next month. Should be a good show.
Later and out. I am bachelor all this week so don't look for any script, just pictures. Just kidding honey if you are reading this.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Oh my gosh I am getting OLD
Monday, May 22, 2006
Everybody seemed to like my "wanna be friends" statement. Seriously, since I have moved so many times over my lifetime my true friends are right here in this house. We do have a couple of GREAT friends but my job has managed to take those away as well. By the way we got stood up, I guess they didn't hear the phone ring. All the better.
That's about it from here. Everybody have a good summer!!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Be Like Mike (ah)
Brain after a day at any job
Monday, May 01, 2006
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Fuel for the mind
Well we have a busy summer coming up from Heidi going back to IA to run in a race with her friends to numerous other places. G-ma and G-pa are coming up towards the end of June so that will be nice to see them again. I am going to try to fish in some local tournaments this summer and hopefully with any luck do alright in them. As far as the last post I did not get the flu, BUT I hooked up with Mark last weekend and Gracie had strepp throat. So as my body was fighting off the flu in our house, it let down its guard for just a bit to allow Gracies germs in. Or at least that is what I am telling myself.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Holy sappiness
Enough deep shit for one day. Everybody is sick in this house. Heidi and Brooke are both sick with temps in the 100's. They went to the doctor and of course we pay about 600 per month to turn around and pay another 25 bucks to then have the doctor explain to them they have the flu. Very scientific prognosis. Even better they prescribed some potent cough medicine with a side effect of being nauseous. She ended up puking all night long. Wouldn't you rather just have a cough than puke? The doctor also said that its only a matter of time before I get it, but I am holding strong. I think its all mental and I refuse to get the flu. We will see. I am sure tonight Earl's karma will settle in for a long weekend. Those who are not watching My Name is Earl need to be evaluated by the same doctor.
Side Poll: What is the deepest name for an album?
Sunday, April 09, 2006
5 and Counting

Wild weekend. Mom, Dad, and Josh all in town for Brooke's 5th b-day. Actually they were able to write it off to Uncle Dave Graebel. I guess there was some business that was accomplished. It was a good time; drunken nights, political talks, and birthday cake, perfect. Brooke would have had a great b-day with Mimi in town, but the 101-103 temperature but a damper on some of the fun. Although I am sure Mimi enjoyed it anyway. Vacation days were a good relief while they were in town. I needed a couple of days off. Took Josh and Dad fishing on Saturday a.m. and ended up with about 10 total fish with 4 keepers, all Walleye. They tasted splendid on the grill last night. There was a slight malfunction with our computer on Friday afternoon and I thought Josh was going to cry. He was trying to get Pearl Jam tickets on line for the Denver shows and for some reason couldnt get logged on with our computer. Could have been drastic, but all was avoided by using a cell phone. Brooke would like to tell everybody thanks for the b-day gifts and cards. She loved everything from her own credit cards, to her own personal butterfly wings. Women. Back to work for me and back to reality for Brooke and Heidi this week. Two things to think about before the next blog.....1. Will Heidi ever become an official blogger? and 2. Are we truly paying for anything out of our own pockets for illegal immigrants? Full report soon.
Monday, March 27, 2006
My ticket out!

After the long awaited 10 comments mostly from mom wishing that it was another grandchild, attached you see the new addition to the family. She is a well oiled machine and as you can see already begun to produce. Used her for the first time fishing this weekend and limited out on Walleye's in about an hour and a half. Very sweet. Move over Jimmy Houston, Tony Dean, etc. here I come!!
Weather has finally allowed most people to get out of their homes and begin to co-exist with each other. Temp has been and is going to stay in the high 40's and 50's over the week. We are looking forward to having a house full of family next week with Josh, Mom and Dad all being in town. Josh for business and Mom and Dad for her birthday. Her being my daughter not the boat. Five years old going on fifteen. I thought 30 was bad, but 5??? How about getting to know that you begin school for the next 13 hopefully 17 years. As I write this actually 30 is worse, knowing that I get the PRIVILEGE of working for the next 25+ years. Not good.
On the Heidi front she is becoming a running machine. She is planning on running a marathon in Des Moines with some old friends of ours this summer. So, she has been training like a mad man.
TD, you lefty. I have the perfect antidote for you. This is a mix that I have found is the best of both worlds. First you log onto Second you watch Bill O'Riley (I can hear the curse words in WI). Third you watch Bill Maher on HBO. What you will get is a powerful hate of globalization, a no spin zone, and the funniest atheist in the world.
Gotta go....Be cautious you just entered a no spin zone!
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
New addition to the family
"Woke up this morning got yourself a gun......"
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Nothing Better

As a dad that loves the outdoors, it doesn't get any better than this. This has become an every weekend tradition for Brooke and I. This weekend was a grand total of 8 Bluegills and 4 Perch. The first time we were out, she pulled a crappie up that barely fit through the hole. I told here it was a "dandy", so from there on out every fish that came out I got asked if it was a "dandy". Then of course this weekend I asked her what she would like to catch and she said very seriously "Just a couple dandy's." Redneck or not this takes the cake!
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Moving Day? Possibly
Good night and Good luck.