Wild weekend. Mom, Dad, and Josh all in town for Brooke's 5th b-day. Actually they were able to write it off to Uncle Dave Graebel. I guess there was some business that was accomplished. It was a good time; drunken nights, political talks, and birthday cake, perfect. Brooke would have had a great b-day with Mimi in town, but the 101-103 temperature but a damper on some of the fun. Although I am sure Mimi enjoyed it anyway. Vacation days were a good relief while they were in town. I needed a couple of days off. Took Josh and Dad fishing on Saturday a.m. and ended up with about 10 total fish with 4 keepers, all Walleye. They tasted splendid on the grill last night. There was a slight malfunction with our computer on Friday afternoon and I thought Josh was going to cry. He was trying to get Pearl Jam tickets on line for the Denver shows and for some reason couldnt get logged on with our computer. Could have been drastic, but all was avoided by using a cell phone. Brooke would like to tell everybody thanks for the b-day gifts and cards. She loved everything from her own credit cards, to her own personal butterfly wings. Women. Back to work for me and back to reality for Brooke and Heidi this week. Two things to think about before the next blog.....1. Will Heidi ever become an official blogger? and 2. Are we truly paying for anything out of our own pockets for illegal immigrants? Full report soon.
Don't count on TD blogging. Don't bust my gonads about the freaking PJ tickets - that's a serious infraction. Don't sell your soul. Don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys - unless they're in the Stillwater Posse!
heyfoxymophandlemomma, that's me
Too bad your cowboy children won't be able to enjoy the farm...
I wouldn't hold your breathe on getting any blog action from Heidi...God help us all if our kids turn out to be redneck cowboys/girls! And yes, we are truly paying $$ out of our own pockets for illegal immigrants, it's called real estate development (housing)!
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