Sunday, April 23, 2006

Fuel for the mind

Well thanks to the poll on JD's website and thanks to the gas guzzling creature I drive we are on the straight and narrow pass to bankruptcy. We saw gas yesterday in the Northwoods of $2.92 a gallon. The funny part is that on our drive to the "real world" (more later) we saw a small corn farm in which some dude had built his own gas station and the price for corn fed gasoline was $1.82. UD if you are reading this help a brother out!!! Have your boss chip back a couple of those millions he received in a bonus last year. Like they say up here "Cripes"!! So, yesterday I took the family on a ride back into the real world. Not MTV, but an actual town with actual malls, movie theaters, restaurants, Chuck E Cheese, etc. We took a drive down to the Fox Valley (Appleton, Oshkosh) yesterday and Heidi was in hog heaven. We went to the outlet mall, regular mall and Chuck E. Cheese's joint and all got what we wanted. Hustle and bustle of actual people that have a clue as to style, or what's going on in today culture, weird. Exciting for Heidi, although it made her really miss Des Moines and her friends.

Well we have a busy summer coming up from Heidi going back to IA to run in a race with her friends to numerous other places. G-ma and G-pa are coming up towards the end of June so that will be nice to see them again. I am going to try to fish in some local tournaments this summer and hopefully with any luck do alright in them. As far as the last post I did not get the flu, BUT I hooked up with Mark last weekend and Gracie had strepp throat. So as my body was fighting off the flu in our house, it let down its guard for just a bit to allow Gracies germs in. Or at least that is what I am telling myself.



Anonymous said...

Dude, I remember the excitement of going to App/Kosh. Those were the best times.
Did you buy any $1.82 gas??

Anonymous said...

did you hear Lee "Fat ass" Raymond retired?!!! Did you catch the last episode of Bill Maher? When referring to "Fat Ass Raymond" he said, "if it looks like this asshole has been eating the earth, it's b/c he has been!" Hilarious!!!
Yah, thanks to him and all those gluttony gas hogs-oil, heating, electric...anyting associated with fossil fuels are going to continue to go up-we can thank W for that and the dopes that keep voting for this moron!

Luke...Heidi...Brooke....Jake said...

Actually I will have you all know I might be retracting my statement. I found out today through research that Oil/Gas companies only profit on about 8 cents on every gallon of gas, but our lovely goverment gets any where from 50-60 cents per gallon thanks to taxes. Maybe we shoudl re-direct our frustrations?

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't retract anything-Exon-Mobile pays their own analysts to "research" and post their profits, just so the public can be continually confused. They do the same thing when it comes to environmental issues also.

check out this article about Raymond's retirement package...

Anonymous said...

Whoa billy, we are talking about Uncle D now. Note that Lee Raymond had absolutley no control over his retirement package, it was set by the Board of Ex/MO. Uncle D isn't go to let any of you naysayers come to his house in Crested Butte.

Check out "Red, white and Blue" by Lynard Skynard.

Anonymous said...

He had no control over his retirement package...oh, yah, and Clinton did not have sexual relations with "that" woman and W was misinformed about WMD's in Iraq!!!


HELLO??!!! IS ANYBODY LISTENING!!?? We ALL make the CHOICE to be OIL DEPENDENT!!! Every ONE of us could decide today to get an e-car, or an electric car, and turn our A/C's up and our lights OUT!! But, NO!!! We are oil-driven oilaholics!!!! We are in our comfort zone and don't want to CHANGE OUR habits!! God forbid that WE go without what WE want and are so comfy used to!! Only WE can change the situation and quite depending on big f**#!ing buisnes or the blood sucking government to change it FOR us!! EVEN THE BRAZILIANS GET IT!! Let he who is without know?!

Anonymous said...

Lucas, I commend you on getting folks RILED UP! Nice job.


Anonymous said...

The reason why we are oil dependent in this country is b/c we have an Oil Administration in the white house!
We have the ability to run our automobiles on water, corn and sugar-but do you really think the administation, or any administration, is going to let that happen?
The only way any change is going to happen is if we have an oil revolution-like the colonist did with the Boston Tea Party. People are going to have to demand change and demand alternative ways to power their homes and autos.


WELL AMEN SISTER!! And it starts with US!! That is why yesterday I called Ouik Trip and asked when and where they were going to offer E85 in Oklahoma!! Also calling refineries, my congressman and anyone else I can! It is up to us.HELLO?!!! The illegal immigrants are making their voice heard and what are WE fat,white,lazy,born americans doing?!!!

Luke...Heidi...Brooke....Jake said...

You think this is something new??? I hate to tell the both of you but you snooze you lose!! Oil Administration?? So you could say that Clinton's was a Sex Administration and thanks to him now we have all of these sex offenders, correct?