I love being a parent! I had the pleasure of taking Brooke to see the Nutcracker for the first time this weekend. The excitement was huge. Our seats were only four rows back from the stage and Brooke was right on the isle. At first she was a little nervous, just not knowing what to expect, but then it began. The excitement and joy on her face was priceless and worth all the sassy moments! My role as a mother was narrator as Brooke had lots of questions, "why aren't they talking", "when are they going to talk", "what does the Nutcracker have in his pants" (that was my favorite.) So on this occasion I leave you all with a bit of advice have the curiosity of a child, laugh like it is always the funniest thing you ever heard and run like you are being chased. Childhood is a Great Thing!
It's hard to remember they've never seen this kind of stuff! A was that way a the Disney princesses on ice thing - I had more fun watching her reactions than the actual show!
That is why I had SO MUCH fun being a mom!!!!! And now Gma is even better, except that I miss everyone so much!!! See you SOON!!!!
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