Well team Humps finished our relay in record time. 4 hours and 18 min. Not sure if its a World Record, Colorado Record, Denver Record or even a Vinyl Record, but we finished. My internal goal was that we finished under 4 hours. Maybe next time. It was very cool being able to run the first 6 mile leg and start off with thousands of people at the starting line. It was still dark outside and you could feel the emotion trying to hurry up the sun to rise. Crossing the starting line is very emotional and its kind of hard to explain so I wont try. TD ran out the second 4 mile leg and it was very cool to see her finish it out. My ultra running wife grabbed the third leg of 9 miles. She pushed it out in 1 hour plus time. She deserves all of the credit in this mess. She is the one that pushed us all do run, gave us all our training routine, etc. If it wasnt for her none of us would be getting our lives in better shape. Thank you honey!!!
Then came Josh. He ran the final leg which I am sure was the hardest due to the sun now being at full staff, it was getting a bit toasty. He had the 7 mile leg. We that were still waiting decided to run it in with him as a team. JD and I ran out the last 2+miles together and Heidi and TD ran out the last 1+ miles together to the finish line. Not sure about Josh, but it was very cool for me to run with my brother. I had the iPod blaring in my ears a couple of songs that I knew would help me push him to finish that bastard out. Josh, for some insane reason, dosent listen to music while he runs. Guess he likes the sound of heavy breathing and feet pounding concrete better; nuts if you ask me and I wouldnt have been able to do it without my music. I know, music and lyrics again.......sorry it brings out emotions in me that you wont hear in my daily activities.
So know what? Where do we go from here? What reason do we have to continue this madness? Well, for me I think Heidi is going to eventually talk me into running a half marathon with her. Although I think Josh has the better idea of climbing a 14er. For those living on flat ground that is a mountain. I think that would be pretty cool to accomplish that on a couple mountains. Either way we have to continue to feed the competition in all of our lives. At least for me its a competition with myself, not against anybody, although when people passed me in my 6 miles it really pissed me off and made me push myself even more.
As I run through my playlist I will tell you that I also had to have some reason to run. Mine was for dad. Well, let me clarify. Not actually for dad, but in spite of dad, for mom, in spite of his demons, just everything negative in that whole deal. So there were 2 main songs. The first song that I ran across the starting line with as I saw people running blind, or kids doing a mile crippled, or cyclers with no legs driving themselves in chariot like bikes; was the song in the Blog below. Read it and know that we own our own minds. These people paid no attention to what others were saying about them behind closed doors, they didnt give a rats fuck that people wondered how they were going to do it, they had a WAR in their mind and they were going to defeat it one way or another. The second one speaks a bit more to the reason I was running, and running, and running.....And helped me get through the finish line with my best friend and brother as I saw him fight his own war.
Goliath: Mars Volta:
When I seep inside your truth through suspicious little coughs
You sank your nails inside a key while the door you shut closed up
The black stockings you kept smell of wet cigarette
Torn of lust that you could not keep
I have slept inside your fault to have you keep me here on this leash (mom)
For the rest of your pets I will feed to this theft
As we consummate the vows of defeat
And when you pray for an end to this I do believe this is eternity
Never heard a man speak like this man before
All the days of my life ever since I've been born
Never heard a man speak like this man before
Watch me now
Say it, say it, say it loud
Hold your heavy burden
In a pocket full of drink that I have drunk
Spit the remnants in your direction
This is the closest to any kingdom that you will come
I'm starting to feel a miscarriage coming on
It's numbing a stump clearing in my throat
And I just can't lose grip of it
She fumigated my mental hygiene
I'm all out of pulse but I know you can resuscitate me
Pre's younger brother.