Tuesday, March 18, 2008


T.V. Please somebody tell me what in gods name did people do with out it. Direct TV has scored me another blow this week. My receiver went kaput. I now get the privilege to have some nerd squad dude come out her, plug in one wire and charge me $80.00. We are having some major IT issues this week with the T.V. being out (worst part is no A. Idol tonight) and Heidi's Dell computer from 1978 taking a dive. Debating with brothers about buying an apple. I will have meetings, teleconferences and send memos to myself until I figure it out.

We also have a house full of dudes, chicks, and family this week. T-man, this is yet another reason to do away with Spring Break. Its nice to have Beverly in town to see Brooke, but for her to bring all citizens of Tulsa County with her is a bit much and kind of ruins her time that she could spend with Brooke. Anywho.....

I have started to read my first book by Noam Chomsky. Let me be the first to tell you, this dudes thoughts are off this hemisphere and nearly impossible to understand. I am reading a book he wrote, actually its somebody interviewing him, about 9-11. Just about every section I have to read twice to understand, kind of like algebra. Cant explain, just read a book or Google him and lean about how smart this Holmes actually is. I also have started to watch the mini-series on HBO called John Adams. Very, very good. I love history and love to see how this entire nation came about. Th epart last week with George Washington being selected to command the very first army to liberate us from the king was amazing drama. Just think if you were in that room, although I am fairly sure they didnt think their decisions would spawn a show called Jackass. Very good mini-series directed by Tom hanks and so far I would recommend to anybody. Might read that book once I am done reading Noam 5 times to get the gist of it all. Anywho...

What else? Brooke starts soccer this week. I get to finally see my first gig in Denver (Serj) and the concert season starts off with a bang. Waiting on pins and needles hoping that RATM, PJ, Radiohead and others make there way here. So far we have Serj Tankian, Black Keys and Foo Fighters on the bill to see. Anywho....

I guess that's all I got. You made it through no videos and lyrics. Just ramblings.

War bums that use Fortune Cookies as money clips.


theoldfartat play said...

Well my dear boy, people talked to eachother, played games with eachother, and were very creative when we did'nt sit in front of a mind manipulator!!! It WAS fun!!!
A-P-P-L-E spells no brainer!!! Get one!!! ASAP!!! Dont' even THINK about a pc or you will be sorry!! Glad you are reading!! Keep it up!!


Whoops!!! That was ME!!! See, even your DAD would tell you to get an apple, cuz his stinkin dell is dying a slow and painful death.....so he uses MY APPLE!!

T-Man said...

See dude, s. break is a pain in the ass. I really wanna watching that Adams mini series too. Thanks for the lack of shatty videos, very refreshing. Go Apple dude, I am a PC guy but I really think Apple is the shizit....

Anonymous said...

War John Adams!
War Red Rocks!
War PJ Tour!
War Spring Break in Vail!
War Soccer!
War Macintosh!