Thursday: Got the chance to see my first show at Red Rocks. Thankfully it happened to be one of my favorite bands right now, the Black Keys. They opened for My Morning Jacket. Total toss up on who was better. I will tell you that other than maybe the White Stripes this is one of the better 2 man duos around. My Morning Jacket is by FAR the best "jam" band I have ever heard. After every song they spend about 4-6 min. just jamming through the song. I left you with a jam below from their show.(EDIT: Waiting for the Video to download. COMING SOON) Great time, great venue. One of the top shows I have seen so far this year.
Friday: I was able to score Broncos tix from Ebay for the three of us to go. Josh, Collin, Brooke and I went down early for some tailgating and tossing of the Fball. Heidi and TD rode the train down and met us at our tail gate spot. Good pre-season game against the Packers. Our seats were about 9 rows from the field and I scored them for an unbelievable price. Brookes first professional football game, so it was good all the way around. Heidi even scored by wearing an Eddie Mcaffery jersey that night.
Saturday: Nothing. Ran, worked out, did up the lawn, etc. Day of Rest.
Sunday: DNC protests began. Brooke, Heidi and I went downtown to check out some good old fashion protests. We had a rough start finding a place to park, but finally settled in close to the Capitol building. Walked around and finally found the march that we were looking for. Bunch of people walking in a march called "Funk the War". Very cool because we caught them in the 16th St Mall downtown. Kind of funny how fast you can become worried about your child, all the time watching to see if she was at all interested. Could tell that Heidi was a bit worried. Next thing we knew we were surrounded by the riot police. Nothing bad, just a bit of protesting. We left there and went back to the Capitol to sit for a spell. The march made their way back to the Capitol only to stop right in the middle of Broadway, which is the street right in front of the Capitol. Stopped traffic and again the next thing we knew there were about 75 cops in riot gear mounting up and making a wall to keep the mob from progressing. Very cool to hear them chant "our streets, our streets" The mob pushed forward, but finally got smart and stood their ground for about 20 min. Only carnage was a couple of bottles that were thrown at the cops. Very cool to know that we live in a county where you are able to express your feelings, opinions, etc. No matter what the hell others think. I just wish that us people were actually able to make REAL changes. We then left there to head home. Enough of worrying about Brooke for one day. We started on our way home to get off Highway 25 only to look out Heidis window and see the below. It was about 5-8 miles from our house. AMAZING. Most of you know how bad that I have wanted to see a tornado in my life and WALA there it was. We pulled over turned on the radio and checked it out for a bit. Truly amazing what mother nature is capable of......AWESOME.
Monday: Work. Fuck it.
Tuesday: Work. Fuck it.
Tomorrow: Oh yeah I forgot to tell the story that leads up to tomorrow. As some of you know Rage Against the machine is playing a FREE local show in protest of the War in Iraq. I started by freaking out trying to find every avenue to get a ticket. To begin with the only way to secure a ticket was through a lottery. I did some homework, found out that a group called Tent State was putting on the show. I did some homework and signed up to Volunteer for them, thinking in about 3 days I could get close enough to somebody that would give me tickets. WALA. I found a guy that needed some items donated for the Tent State group and in his email he stated what he needed and how many tickets that you would get for donating. I did my homework and drove to his abode and donated whatever in the hell he needed. I would have donated a kidney on the spot if he needed it. He took my name down by magic marker on a blank piece of paper and told me just to show up and I would be on their "guest list". Ok so I took his word for granted. I then got a bit worried about this dude, as I saw him leading the "Funk the War" protest thinking there is no way that this dude is going to get me in to see my most favorite band. I did some homework and sent him an email. Here was his email back and here is where I stand tonight.........Stay tuned as I attempt to get tickets tomorrow.
"As far as tickets, it's absolute. I may be a radical hippy (or recovering
hippy) but I'm still the producer of the show, so no worries."

1 comment:
freakin' whirlwind...i'm whooped but that was as good as it gets.
always trust a hippie.
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