Anywho we made our way over to the concert venue only to arrive to see the longest line I have ever seen to get into a concert. This frackin line traveled at least 4 blocks around corners and through streets. It was absolutely nuts. Josh and I used some previous concert knowledge and just rammed our way towards the front of the line with kids in tow. We made it to the gate only to have some two-bit concert whore tell us that we cant take signs into the venue, BUT she would make sure that the band gets the sign. She must have thought I was an absolute idiot, but it worked for Brooke. Brooke told me to make sure they gave it to Joe. Sure, whatever you want honey.
Next we decided to go ahead and make our way to the Merch Tent to get ourselves a t-shirt or whatever. Now I have been to a couple concerts, this was by far the most expensive ticket, the most expensive t-shirt, and the most expensive beer I have ever had and probably will ever have. Total before we heard one tune was topping $200.00. YIKES. Getting to the front of this thing was like standing at Lollapalooza and watching my friend eat some dudes back hair. Crowded. Brooke pushed and shoved her way to the front of the Merch Tent and got herself a t-shirt. Note to concert virgins: always try to get something that is show specific. Learned that from my brother. No decent posters for those wondering.
We finally make it to our seats, popcorn, beer and new t-shirt already on. Opening gal came out to sing. Decent. Brooke liked one song of hers and thankfully she played it. I would tell you who, but I still to this day cant pronounce or spell it. Next was the big show. You should have seen her eyes. WARNING: I just got back from the NHRA Drag Races with Josh this month. It was the most ear splitting sound that I have ever heard. When this band came out, other than my physical body rattling, the screams from all 7,000 plus 7-14 year old girls rivaled the NHRA Races. Holy b-jesus!!!!.
Brooke was into it from the start. Singing off tune, waiving her hands, rockin out with the devil fingers, and yes screaming at the top of her lungs. I actually had to tell her to chill a bit because I thought she was going to loose her voice. As a dad and an avid concert goer it was the coolest thing that I have seen from her since she was shot out of Heidis uterus. Now, hopefully she can progress to some bands that Dad might like to see, but for the time being this will work.
I will leave you all with a taste of the screaming fans, pyrotechnics, and teenage singing boys (yes they sang every song). Ladies and Gentlemen I introduce to you..........THE JONAS BROTHERS.
AHHHHHHHHHH (me screaming)
And the 2 Rockers chilling on the steps:
i think her name was Demi Novato...or something like that. great times...and man, was that screaming LOUD/PAINFUL!! brooke's sign was an absolute classic. and always, always get something show specific and always, always keep your stub. period.
This is what life is really all about...seeing it through a kids eyes. Best blog ever, honey.
I am proud of you boys doing the dad thing...not only with the concert but every time you can, to be one of the 2 biggest parts of their will never be wasting one second of your time when you spend it with the way, have I said lately how absoulutely freakin BEAUTIFUL my grandchildren are? Well....they are.....thanks for the pics Luke...I miss them dearly.
Colin is still talking about this concert and we had to upload new tunes on the ipod.
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