How sad is this on Christmas! As I continue to blog my way into the world record of consecutive blogs....I had to blog about this. My buddy is down for the count. The world got the best of him; all his cheer, wagging of tails, sniffing of everything has come to a creaching halt for the next 30 days. Stitches in one paw with the half bandage, then a possible broken toe on the other leg. Its currently in a splint. X-rays were negative, but too much swelling to be for sure. How? We have no idea. Cut on the paw happend because of our landscaping in the back yard.
Saddest part of the whole deal was having to sign at the Vets office a YES or a NO on if I wanted them to perform CPR. Well fuck me running, why wouldnt I right? I asked the nurse and she said read the top and I quote "In the event my pet is to go into cardiac and/or respiratory arrest my desire for CPR is as follows ***Additional fees of $150 or GREATER will be accrued when performing CPR." Very cruel joke from the same world that took his traits away.
Somebody throw him a LIFELINE
Welcome to the ups and downs of parenting....never a dull moment....
fuck parenting. This is just society wanting more and more money for life! Are we serious where we have to charge money to keep a life alive. As Barb Miller used to say "get a grip"!
Barb also said she "followed her gut"....what is it worth to you to keep those you love alive???? Why don't you just move people for FREE!!!!
I wouldnt equate moving people to life. Not even in the same dictionary.
Ding ding...let's have round 3?!!?
Dude, I feel your pain. First dogs suffering is BRUTAL!
Hang in Jake! You have birds to fetch!!
Jake has the same casts as Colin did last Christmas --and in the same place!!
dude. all I was saying is that to "care" for any living thing is to let your heart be vulnerable to pain and joy and everything in between...welcome to parenting, loving, life.....
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