Soccer was very exciting this weekend. Lightening was down by about 100 when our little princess was set for a center kick, she fired away and sure enough scored our teams first and only goal! You should have seen the look of excitement and shock on her face. Of course her coach then asked why she had been holding back all game. We were very proud parents!
Other than that highlight, we also suffered all weekend with no A/C in the house. Of course the guy came to fix it today and it was a breaker switch. Who would have thought that the air unit would have run even without power? Thanks to my stupidity our daughter got to sleep in the basement last night. You are probably all saying "What was it like 80 degrees or something?" Not so fast. It was a smoldering 92 degrees all weekend.
It was also nice to hear some relief in my brothers voice this weekend while he was on tour with PJ. Good times for him. I cant wait to see them in MN next month. Should be a good show.
Later and out. I am bachelor all this week so don't look for any script, just pictures. Just kidding honey if you are reading this.