Here is a very small taste of what I experienced in the music realm last weekend. Brad Igers and I went down to Alpine Valley to see Rage Against the Machine and Queens of the Stone Age. I started the day by driving down there around 10 a.m. in order to get a decent parking spot thinking that we could just camp out in the back of the truck for the night. Igers started his day at 3 a.m. getting up in Seattle in order to catch a 5 a.m. flight that would take him from Seattle to Phoenix and ending up in Milwaukee where he would catch a rental car and be to Alpine Valley by 4 p.m. Doors opened for the show at 5 p.m. We stood in line to get into the show at 5 p.m. and they decided not to open the doors until about 6:45 p.m. While we were standing in line it began to pour. Luckily Luke was smart enough o bring rain jackets, but needless to say we still got soaked. We had a great time and saw two of the best shows I have seen in a long time. PJ is always good but nobody on this planet can match the intensity of Rage. Unreal is all I can say. Pics will follow below and only a teaser of Rage will be seen below (stage). Videos will be coming as soon as I can figure out how to post them off my camera.
This is the first picture of the Mud Kings that were directly behind us. These freaks would slide straight down the hill (which was all mud) directly into the hands of the rental pigs that would drag them out by their ears. Then the crowd would chant vulgarities at them which was always good.

This would be a picture of Queens of the Stone Age. Along with the next 2.

Here is where the real show starts. This is the set for Rage. It only gets better from here.
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