Long time since last blog, in fact this is Heidi blogging because as any good Graebel wife knows "summer is HELL." Needless to say Luke is really busy at work right now and I am glad he is getting a PJ break this week. He needs a good drunk concert night to get him revived for the rest of the summer at work. We all three just got back from a little vacation out to California to visit Papa Jim and Meme Jayne. I see why so many people move there because it is really a beautiful place. Although, my dad freaked me out a little by telling me about a mountain lion that had been killed in someone's backyard the week before. He went on to explain that you should not run and appear larger if you see one, this was all I could think about the following morning while I am running. Of course I didn't see anything more that a turkey and a pretty threatening looking golf course goose! We had a great time! Brooke is busy with all her summer activities, last week it was gardening camp and this week it is all about the friends. Today we have Sydney over and they have only tattled about 100 times, girls are a handful with all their emotions and feelings. I am again back training for another half marathon because I just can't STOP! This one is here in town so that should be fun for Brooke and Luke to come and watch. Brooke will also be running a short race with me in September so that should be really fun. OTHER NEWS... We have been working on adding another member to our family (no Luke has not been getting lucky) but he has been doing a lot of reading on Lab puppies. We are considering adding a little pup to the family so we will keep you up to date on our growing family!