So its Halloween night and I am debating on what scary movie to watch. Its a yearly deal for me and since nobody else I know other than Brad Igers likes scary movies. I remember when him and I went to see the Blair Witch Project in Wausau at midnight on Halloween. The movie theater was packed and we barely found 2 seats together. Bad part was that there was no "gay safety seat" between us. Although I think throughout the movies we both kind of moved closer and closer together. We both walked out of that movie that night scared absolutely sh+tless. It was great. We had to go have beer at a local establishment in order to chill down. Thinking of going to see Saw IV. If you haven't seen the first one it is a must see. It is a movie that you will NEVER figure out. The ending is so great its not even funny.
Well we are finally settled in again and I start work/new job on Monday. I have been off all of this week working on home stuff and transition stuff. Kind of looking forward to just getting back to work. Heidi has a possible job already lined up. Second interview tomorrow. Working from home for 20-30 hours per week. Just perfect for her. We are both pumped.
That's really about all the info I have tonight. No music. No deep thoughts. Just Halloween. One of my most favorite nights of the year.
Trick or Treat Smell My Feet
Give Me Something Good to Eat.