Well, I'm back after a little sabbatical from the blogging world. What have I done since the last one.......Saw by far one of the best rock bands in the world, put a down payment on a new family member, found out somebody my wife loves has the "C" in his body, worked my ass off, found out North Korea is shooting nukes at us, etc., etc. Wow, not sure which one to tackle first. So we will start from the beginning.
First, Pearl Jam was great. Had to see them by myself, but I think it might have been best that way. Sat by some stanger that I had never met and him and I belted out songs at the top of our lungs like we were meant to sit by eat other. Amazing what music can do to people. Especially music coming from somebody that really believes and means what he is signing. He dedicated a song to his friend "Pete" that was evidently sick (I think Peter Gammons?). Light Years. Great lyrics to this song that remind me of our family, sometimes. Just like everytime I hear them play Elderly Woman live I think of G-ma Hump and Ethel. One of the things he does that I love is between some lyrics on songs, you can hear him almost breath "Fuck it". Anyways it rocked.
Second, we went last weekend and put a down payment on a black lab. It will be a male and we will be picking him up in a couple of weeks. Pretty excited about that, but at the same time we both realize its going to be some work. But, we are ready for it. He comes from a really good blood line. His mom is a hunter (Kenia River Retriever) and his dad (Lotta Black Pepper) was a MH (Master Hunter) AFC (amateur Field Champion) and also in 1999 was the Wisconsin Pheasant retrieving Champion. Pretty cool. We need help with names, so please give us some ideas. He has to have 3 names in order to be AKC registered, so let the names ring in!!!!!
Third, not going to say much because when I think about it I get a little bit emotional. Please keep this guy in your thoughts as we hope he gets through this with little to no pain.
Fourth, worked my ass off. Like I said above Fuck it.
Fifth, North Korea wants to destroy most all of us. Reports now show that one of their missiles was aimed at Hawaii. Oh, boy. I suppose all you left wing nuts (not that I am a right wing nut) think we should let diplomacy run its course. Uh no. Don't want another war, but lets get our asses over there and blow up those sites that are making these nukes and be done with it. No, different that what Clinton did in with Iraq in his years. Then, if this dictator keeps it up he can end up like the others. I watched this guy from the UN on the tube talk yesterday and my buddy O'Reilly was giving him a hard time because of the Sudan. If you don't know what's going on over there the Muslims are killing tons of Africans. The reason nobody from the UN will do anything about it is because China has "vested" interests there and its up to the US to get China on board. Are you serious? Same agency that stole money in the Oil for Food campaign in Iraq. We have to take action to save ourselves, there is no diplomatic way of doing things any more. Everybody is only looking out for their own interests. I don't feel like getting cooked by nukes just yet.
Now you were wanting those lyrics that remind me of our family and loved ones:
With heavy breath, awakened regrets
Back pages and days alone that could have been spent, together.....
but we were miles apart
every inch between us becomes light years now
no time to be void or save up on life
you gotta spend it all......